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Boarding Waiver

Pawsitively Perfect Dog Care (PPDC)
Boarding Waiver

​By paying for boarding services and dropping your dog off in our care, you explicitly agree to this boarding waiver. This agreement shall apply to all boarding visits by your dog to Pawsitively Perfect Dog Care (PPDC).

  • I represent that I am the legal owner or the dog owner (s) authorized to make this booking.

  • I understand that as a requirement when visiting PPDC, my dog(s) must wear a safety collar that fits well.

  • I represent that my dog(s) is in good health and is currently on all required vaccination for Canine Distemper, Rabies, and Bordetella (Kennel Cough). Is free of fleas, ticks and lice and has not been ill within the last 30 days.

  • I understand that while my dog(s) is fully vaccinated, vaccines are not guaranteed, and there is a small risk that my dog(s) may come into contact with a contagious disease or illness. I agree that should this occur, I am responsible for my pet’s care, medical attention and costs.

  • I release PPDC, its staff, owners and any representatives from any and all liability that my dog(s) or I may suffer, including but not limited to injury, sickness, damage, or death resulting from participation in daycare and boarding.

  • I understand that although all dogs are fully supervised, injuries may occur from playing with other dogs, including but not limited to bites, scrapes, scratches and sprains.

  • I represent that my dog(s) is social and has not harmed or shown threatening behaviors towards any person or other dog. I understand the PPDC reserves the right to remove my dog from socialization and place my dog(s)  in a separate holding area should my dog(s) display unwanted behaviors.

  • I allow PPDC’s staff to contact my veterinarian should any injuries or illness require medical attention. I agree that I am solely responsible for any medical expenses for my dog(s).

  • If I or my authorized contact cannot pick up my dog(s) at the agreed pick-up time, I authorize PPDC to provide additional overnight and daycare services at my expense.

  • I understand that boarding is on a 24-hour system, and if I pick up my dog(s) after 24 hours on the pick-up date, I will incur an additional charge, unless otherwise agreed.

  • I understand that I need to provide written instructions (on paper or via text/WhatsApp) for my dog(s) care, including feeding, medications and grooming. Please ensure we are aware of any allergies or injuries and anything else you think is essential. Please bring (or WhatsApp me) details of your Dogs Vet, Emergency Contact and Medical History.

  • If a medical emergency arises while your dog(s) are at our facility or participating in a service that we provide, we must be immediately able to get them medical treatment at the closest available facility. Please note that in the case of an emergency after hours, we will take your dog to VetCare as they run a 24-hour service. We will endeavour to contact you or your emergency contact as soon as possible to discuss anything important. I authorize PPDC to seek medical attention at VetCare. I further agree that I am financially responsible for any medical treatment my pet(s) receives due to a medical emergency while attending services provided by PPDC

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Happy Doggy Guests & Parents

Missy T

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Bart & Christine, Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico

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